Hero(es) of the Week! (3.20.20)

It’s time… for the SSNC HERO(es) OF THE WEEK!
Today we’re going to do something a little different. This week isn’t about a singular person, it’s about a group of truly remarkable people who are stepping up in uncertain times.
While much of the center is temporarily closed during the COVID-19 crisis, our food pantry remains open to help counter food insecurity in our community.
During this, a group of dedicated staff, volunteers, and program participants have continued to work diligently to make sure individuals, families, and seniors are still getting food. We also would like to give a huge special thanks to the Hunger Task Force, Inc. for continuing their services through all this.
Folks from our Opportunity Youth Program have also been essential, helping the food pantry remain operational. The Food Pantry remains open on Mondays and Wednesdays, 11am-2pm and Senior Stock Boxes each Friday are still on schedule.
Rachell Peace, Director of Emergency Services at the SSNC, has done an incredible job of noting health & safety precautions, all while keeping things moving forward. The logistics of a food pantry is no easy task. Doing it while ensuring sanitizing, social distancing, and other precautions is a testament to her and her team.
From all of us here at the SSNC, we want to thank those who are stepping up during these uncertain times. The staff, the volunteers, the program participants, the Hunger Task Force… all of you are a bright spot in a dark time.
That’s why all of them are our…
If you are interested in supporting the SSNC Food Pantry during this, here are a few ways to help. Financial Support obviously is one of the important ways but there are specific items needed as well.
– Medium sized boxes
– Grocery Bags (plastic)
– Hygienic items for our community (sanitizer, toothbrushes, toothpaste, toilet paper, deodorant, mouth wash, etc.)
– Gloves, specifically large size
– Baby stuff (diapers, formula, etc.)
If any of these are something you have access to and are willing to donate, it goes a long way to help the continuation of our services. One big item needed is two “conveyor belts” to get all these materials down two flight of stairs. Please contact Ben Holt at bholt@ssnc-milw.org if you are able and willing to help. Thank you!