Hero of the Week (8.20.21)

Today’s HERO OF THE WEEK is a recent incredible addition to the SSNC team… Everyone, meet Jharrel Frazier, Coordinator for the Youth Department! Jharrel joined us about 3 months ago when he was looking to start his human services career.
He graduated MATC with his associates degree in Human Services and is currently working on his Social Work Degree from UW- Milwaukee, looking to graduate in the Winter of 2022! Jharrel is a natural here at the SSNC, both a leader and fun to be around. His main dueities are to facilitate certain programming to make sure the youth department is running as it should! It takes a lot of logistics and planning to coordinate daily activities, trips through the city, and creative ideas on ways to offer enrichment to our youth. Jharrel brings all that to the table! Jharrel says hey enjoys so many things about working at the SSNC from the kids he works with every day to the how his coworkers feel more like family than colleagues.
We know Jharrel has big things in store, both here and in his future, and we’re excited to have him helping lead our community of success! We know you’ll be seeing him featured on here occasionally and hope everyone has the chance to meet him next time you’re stopping in at your local friendly neighborhood center! That’s why Jharrel is our… HERO OF THE WEEK!