Hero of the Week! (5.29.20)

This is Kate Carpenter, Executive Director at America SCORES Milwaukee. America SCORES Milwaukee’s mission is to inspire urban youth to lead healthy lives, be engaged students, and have the confidence and character to make a difference in the world.
America SCORES Milwaukee has been a consistent presence at Browning Elementary and the SSNC since 2013. SCORES has offered both Junior and Elementary SCORES programs during the school year and in summer.
With schools closed and distance learning taking place, Kate and SCORES created a series of at-home activities for children that will keep their minds and bodies active until they can join their teammates back in school! It involves writing activities alongside physical soccer activity. Our very own James Wilbern went around delivering the soccer balls to kids in the community!
If SCORES sounds familiar in our HOTW it’s because you may remember Victoria Davis, a previous hero! She was the Midwest Champion for a poetry contest. SCORES creates so many opportunities for our youth!
Although online learning and connections cannot replace the value of in-person, Kate and SCORES remain committed to supporting children in any way possible until schools resume and they can be together again.
We applaud Kate and America SCORES Milwaukee for their creativity during these trying times. They are committed to the youth in our communities and are determined to help, regardless of the obstacles. We are so blessed to be partnered with such a caring organization and to work with someone like Kate.
That’s why she is our… HERO OF THE WEEK!