Hero of the Week! (4.17.20)

It’s time for the SSNC HERO OF THE WEEK
Every Friday, we at the SSNC like to highlight some of the amazing things happening in our community of success.
This is Holly McCoy, Executive Director at Literacy Services of Wisconsin (LSW)
Holly has been with the LSW for 9 years and is incredibly passionate about the importance of literacy.
With kids of her own in the MPS system (and a proud MPS alum herself), she is really motivated to be a part of improving our community.
The SSNC is incredibly lucky to have Holly, her staff, and the LSW as partners.
As of January of this year, they are now providing comprehensive adult literacy programming to help increase capacity at the SSNC. She started her career on the Northwest Side of Milwaukee and we’re all lucky to have her back!
Every day, 7,000 students across the country drop out of school. That’s about 1.3 million kids a year. It’s tragic numbers like that which fuel her and the incredible staff at the LSW.
For years of service to improving our community… For the passion she brings to improving literacy rates throughout Wisconsin… For her entire team and everything the LSW does… Holly truly is a role model to all of us at the SSNC. We are incredibly thankful for her partnership and look forward to seeing the amazing work the LSW will bring to our community for years to come!
That’s why she is our…