Hero of the Week! (1.24.20)

It’s time… for the SSNC HERO OF THE WEEK!
This is Jackie Burrell, President of the Westlawn Resident Council.
As president, Jackie Burrell leads efforts to keep neighborhood residents engaged and informed. In addition to hosting monthly resident meetings, she organizes special events to build a healthy, connected community, and she tirelessly advocates on behalf of resident interests.
Jackie and the Council are vital SSNC partners in giving neighborhood kids and families the best opportunities in life.
Led by the amazing folks at the Housing Authority of the City of Milwaukee, Westlawn Gardens, the biggest public housing project in Wisconsin, has won a major national planning award for its transformation of the old Westlawn development, a transformation that is still under way. Jackie and the Council will be a vital part in leading the way as it continues, further building our community of success!
We would like to salute Jackie for her hard work and dedication to the SSNC! Her passion and commitment is the embodiment of leadership. That’s why she is our…
If you have a story of an individual or organization helping to create our community of success, please reach out to Ben Holt at bholt@ssnc-milw.org