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Victoria Neal

It’s time for the SSNC…HERO OF THE WEEK

Every Friday, we at the SSNC like to highlight some of the amazing things happening in our community of success.

This is Victoria Neal, an 11 year old student at Browning Elementary and recent America Scores Milwaukee poetry slam Champion!

America Scores is a national program in 12 major cities, with a mission to inspire urban youth to lead healthy lives, be engaged students, and have the confidence and character to make a difference in the world. We love being partners with them locally and so do the kids in our community!

Recently, Victoria entered their national poetry slam competition on the local level. Victoria took the crown in Milwaukee, proceeding to regionals in Chicago where she also won.

A Midwest Champion, she now has the chance to compete in nationals in Washington DC. We couldn’t be more proud of her!

Writing is more than an outlet for her. Tragically, Victoria lost her father. She says writing is a way to cope with that pain. It’s a method to get her voice out and channel what’s inside her. She really wishes more people would try poetry. It can help them calm down, let them go to their own quiet place. It doesn’t have to be perfect. It doesn’t even have to make sense. She says it only needs to make sense to you.

Victoria uses her incredible creativity to express herself. She’s even writing a play! Her goal is to be an actor, author, or poet and we know she will be a wonderful one!
While the logistics of nationals are being figured out due to COVID-19 uncertainties, we know whenever or however they are held Victoria is going to be amazing. She is an inspiration to our community and just an incredible ball of talent. We can’t wait to follow her successes and future endeavors, whatever they may be!

That’s why she is our…

And without further adieu… a poem by Victoria Neal

Peer Pressure

Dear Peer Pressure,

Sometimes it’s hard to see
Are you my friend or enemy
Because what I want
Is to be the best I can be.

In school you show your ugly side
Asking me to listen to
Dares and challenges
Inside I question…..why?

Sometimes you show me opportunity
Because the choices I make reflect on me.
You make me feel brave and strong.
Dear Peer Pressure,
I am learning right from wrong

Peer Pressure!
You don’t get the last say!
If I’m having a rough day, I remember to:


Be Optimistic


And Eager to succeed

Peer Pressure…..
You won’t get the best of me!

Category: Hero of the Week

Hero of the Week! (5.29.20)

This is Kate Carpenter, Executive Director at America SCORES Milwaukee. America SCORES Milwaukee’s mission is to inspire urban youth to lead healthy lives, be engaged students, and have the confidence and character to make a difference in the world.

Hero of the Week! (5.22.20)

This week, we have a group of amazing organizations that all embody leadership during these tough times. First, however, we wanted to provide a little context. COVID-19 is a difficult time for so many people. Individuals, businesses, non-profits, families… this is unprecedented and it really is testing us all.

Hero of the Week! (5.15.20)

This is Sumana Chattopadhyay, associate professor at Marquette University. A few months ago, we at the SSNC got a random call from Sumana asking about our organization. She explained who she was and the class she was teaching at Marquette.

Hero of the Week! (5.8.20)

This is Laura Bitzer, the new Center Director at the Elaine Schreiber Child Development Center Laura is a lifer in education, this being her 28th year. She’s worked in both early and elementary education and prior to this was an assistant director at KinderCare.

Hero of the Week! (5.1.20)

This is Rachell Peace, Emergency Services Manager at the SSNC. While she is the “Hero of the Week”, she really should be the “Hero of 2020”. Rachell is the person who coordinates the logistics of our food pantry.

Hero of the Week! (4.24.20)

While our food pantry remains open during the shutdown, LaTasha started getting messages from some of the kids in her program about food insecurity issues occurring. Some were for their families, others were for kids in the community, others had elderly family who were unable to get to the center for our Friday Senior Stock Boxes. 

Hero of the Week! (4.17.20)

This is Holly McCoy, Executive Director at Literacy Services of Wisconsin (LSW). Holly has been with the LSW for 9 years and is incredibly passionate about the importance of literacy.

Hero of the Week! (4.10.20)

In these uncertain times, we need heroes more than ever. For the remainder of April, we are asking our supporters who believe in our mission to step up. We humbly ask that you allow us to explain how and why.

Hero of the Week! (4.3.20)

This is Victoria Neal, an 11 year old student at Browning Elementary and recent America Scores Milwaukee poetry slam Champion!

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