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Hero of the Week 6/25/21 (Jean Bell-Calvin Farewell)

Posted by Silver Spring Neighborhood Center - 2021-06-25 14:14:06

Today's HERO OF THE WEEK is one of those bittersweet ones...

We're so excited to share about the jovial, joyful, Jean Bell-Calvin but we're also so sad to say it as a farewell!

If you're unfamiliar with the collaboration, the UW-Milwaukee College of Nursing / SSNC partnership will turn 33 years old in November and Jean Bell-Calvin was the keystone of this relationship.

She was the 3rd nurse hired onto the project through federal funding. Started with nursing students, it slowly grew and eventually Jean built it into a sustainable long term project.


Ever been curious about that partnership? No one can describe it better than Jean herself!

The wonderful Jean herself!

When asked what kept her hear for all those years? She said this place turned into her home. She felt a passion for seeking funding for partners that were relevant for community needs. There were no hardline dollars at first and she immediately realized it's importance.

For it to continue, someone needed to take the lead. There were times when the center would be low on funds or the clinic would be, and the opposite partner would figure out a way to get through some stormy waters. Without Jean's leadership, we would not have made it over 30 years!

Jean is retiring this year and we will miss her immensely.

Not just for insight, leadership, and commitment to the community, but her pleasant demeanor, friendly nature, and upbeat outlook!

For everything Jean has done over the last 33 years here at the SSNC... For everything she's done for the UWM Nursing Community... For her upbeat personality and caring nature...

Jean, you will always be our HERO OF THE WEEK!


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