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Hero of the Week 2/26/21 (Denise White)

Posted by Silver Spring Neighborhood Center - 2021-02-26 15:58:10

Today's Hero of the Week is Denise White, a story we are so excited to share!

Denise, our new administrative assistant, will be the new smile everyone sees anytime you enter the SSNC. Her history with us, however, goes back quite a bit!

Denise has been connected with us for a few decades now. She was once a program participant, a volunteer, and even sat on our Board of Directors for a few years!

It all started in the early 80s. She stopped in for an aerobics program and heard about a parenting class we offered. She was a bit hesitant but as a recently single mother, she figured she'd give it a try.

She and her 2 year old son, Kevin, fell in love with the program. She says she really appreciated the emphasis the SSNC put on education as a lifestyle.

Her son, later a graduate of UW-Milwaukee, now works in New York City! She reminisced about what a path it's been for them and much of it has been right here at the center!

Denise went from program participant, to volunteer, to board member, to joining us as an employee in her retirement! Her and Kevin's story shows the power of what a bit of support and opportunity can lead to.

Her kindness, compassion, and commitment to our center is an inspiration to all of us. We are so happy she has joined our team and we hope all of you have the opportunity to meet her when you walk through our doors!

That's why Denise (and Kevin) are our...


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